Legally binding way of concluding contracts. Safe, simple and fast. Your documents are ready for digitization. Sign them with us.
Progressive digitization has become a fact. The electronic signature ensures the growing value of your company. Order, safety and professionalism. Enter the digital dimension of contracts thanks to the platform. Create contracts from templates, introduce electronic document management, approvals and electronic signature. Your counterparties will sign contracts online, without setting up accounts in the system, with only one click. Accelerate your business today.
Unlimited signatures. No registration by your contractors. Simple. Secure.
The electronically signed document is saved in your company's account on the platform. All documents are stored in one place. Thanks to the electronic repository, you have everything at hand in a few clicks.
An electronically signed document is encrypted and ensures the integrity of its content. Any subsequent change to the data is recognizable. The e-signature is legally binding. It ensures the safety of trading.
Your contractors will receive a link to submit an e-signature online, without creating an account. You do not need to collect handwritten signatures. You have more time and resources for your creativity in business.
We are the lawyers who improve business and simplify contracting processes. Professionally. Without unnecessary formalism. Electronic conclusion of a contract is legally binding and effective. This is possible thanks to the EU eIDAS regulation. This is how you will sign over 90% of contracts with your counterparties. In just a few clicks. Intuitively. Safely. That is possible thanks to the being an important part of the platform.
The is part of a larger electronic platform. Enter the digital dimension of contracts with a document management system. Contract automation. Electronic approvals. Unified electronic repository #LegalTech
Book a demo is a system created for big companies, ideal for small ones. Hundreds of users use automation every day, increasing business productivity. Innovation strengthens the professionalism of a company.
The electronic signature is sufficient for the validity of over 90% of contracts. The EU eIDAS regulation allows to sign contracts electronically. The integrity of the document content is ensured by double SSH encryption. Any subsequent change is recognizable in the document.
According to Art. 25 of the EU eIDAS regulation, an electronic signature is legally binding and admissible as evidence in court proceedings. Even if it does not meet the requirements for qualified electronic signatures. Thanks to this regulation, the company's contractors do not have to set up accounts in the system or obtain a qualified electronic signature certificate. Through the platform, you can send a document to your contractor, which can be signed with one click on-line. You can also use additional authorization methods, for example by sending a one-time SMS code to authorize the signature.
A non-disclosure agreement is often the beginning of cooperation between companies. It does not require a hand signature. Sign electronically and speed up your business.
The most important element of business cooperation on a daily basis. Do not waste time on a traditional method of the exchange of signatures. Sign and document your cooperation electronically. Focus on your business.
Such as a contract of mandate, a contract for specific work, a contract of exchange, a loan contract, a storage contract, a tenancy contract, a lease contract, as well as a power of attorney, regulations, resolutions...
E-signature means the security of transactions. In the signature section, a lot of information is recorded to enable the identification of the signatory, such as name and surname, computer IP, authorization methods, date and time of signature, check digit. In addition, the document may be equipped with an electronic seal identifying the entity from which the document originates, as well as a so called timestamp.
The authenticity and integrity of a document can be easily verified online. Your company's counterparty can also review the statuses and dates of signatures, and other related metadata. Online. With just one click.